So we've been pretty busy at the Learning Shop. Since our last post we've visited all the garden challengers, worked on our kid's camp play (I'll be humiliating myself by hip hop dancing in a giant carrot suit, be sure to come see at Pioneer Days), and we fondle our plants on a daily basis. My raised bed is doing well. I have...
Romaine Lettuce
Red Sails Lettuce
Walla Walla Onions
Green Goliath Broccolli
and 4 varieties of merigolds in each corner
Everything is growing well with the exception of one particular romaine lettuce that is really wack in a not growing and acting very sickly way. My other challenge has been to uncover the mystery animal that's been chomping on all of our onion heads and one of my broccoli. My flowers that I've planted at home are near blossoming. Soooo pretty:) In other news, I'm becomming more and more fascinated with the senden site. Everytime I talk to people about it they always have some little tid bit of info on its history. It's also looking better and better everyday.
That concludes my july update, hope everything is going well with everyone else.